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Customized Searches in Safari

Using the text expansion technique, it is easy to add custom searches to Safari. In order to avoid triggering the shortcuts in other programs (text expansion is not application specific), we're going to use a comma followed by a letter for each shortcut:
Duck Duck Go,dduckduckgo.com/?q=
Google Images,igoogle.com/search?tbm=isch&q=
Google Maps,mgoogle.com/maps?q=
To use the shortcuts in Safari, just type cmd-L (to activate the address bar), then comma-g-space followed by your search terms. The space will activate the text expansion and won't affect the search. We included the main Google search as a shortcut. Why? Because once you've gotten accustomed to searching with ,X, it's faster to do all your searching that way. Muscle memory is the key to speed. If you yearn for Google's past simplicity, Duck Duck Go is a great alternative search engine. Don't forget to look at the possibilities offered in its preferences.
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