Icon  Name                    
[DIR] Parent Directory

The easy way

This part of the article is based on http://youtube.com/watch?v=K2-Zi-6HpFI.

If you've been battling to install the iPhone applications (like me) the first thing to do is to uninstall them. Just reverse your steps and delete everyhing you've added via SFTP.

Exception: do NOT delete N45AP.plist, you will lose all your icons!

1. go into installer application (works on 1.1.1 & 1.1.2)

2. Tap the install icon at the bottom of the screen

First we install the prep files

Then we install the applications themselves

You can choose the applications you want -- you don't have to install all of them.

iPhone Applications
on the iPod Touch

These instructions are for Windows XP. What you need:

1. An unlocked iPod Touch. This is also called "jailbroken".

2. The applications. I got them from:


You can also try http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GN9CKYJX, or just do a Google search.

Download the files then unzip them.

3. An SFTP program. I used WinSCP, available at WinSCP.net.

4. The IP address of your iPod Touch.

  • Go into the iPod settings
  • click Wi-Fi
  • Click on the white arrow in the blue circle to the right of your current connection
  • Note the 4 numbers that make up your IP address ( for example)

    My iPod's IP address varies depending on when it connected to WiFi compared to my other household computers, but right now it's

    Transferring the applications

    1. Connect to the iPod using WinSCP:

    • Turn on your iPod (not connected the computer)
    • Set it so it won't go to sleep for a few minutes
    • Start up WinSCP
    • Host name: (IP address from #4 above)
    • User name: root
    • Password: alpine
    • Click "Login"

    It will take a minute to connect to the iPod, and then you will find a double-paned window with your computer to the left and the iPod's files to the right.

    2. Move the .app files:

    • in the pulldown menu top left, you'll see root. Select the first item in the list, the root directory
    • in the left pane, navigate to the .app files you downloaded form the internet. (click ^.. to go to a parent folder)
    • select the 5 items that end in .app and drag them to the right pane, onto "Applications"
    • Right-click on Applications and select properties
    • Check the box that says "set group, owner and permissions recursively"
    • Click OK

        3. Move the .framework File:

      • in the right pane, go to /System/Library/ drag GMM.framework into Frameworks go into Frameworks, right click on GMM.framework and slect properties, check set gorup, click ok

      4. move plist file N45AP.plist to /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app to up one level to /library, then into CoreServices, then drang N45AP.plist into SpringBoard.app double click on SpringBoard.app right click on N45AP.plist, properties, change 0644 to 0755, then click 0K

      5. move .bundle file go up two levels to /System/Library, then drag MobileMailSettings.bundle to /PreferenceBundles/ double click PreferenceBundles, right click on MobileMailSettings.bundle, check "set grup etc." then OK

      6. disconnect Go to Session -> Disconnect and quit WinSCP

      Restart the iPod Touch

      • turn off: hold down the top button until you see the red slider. Slide it to turn off the iPod
      • restart: hold down the top button until you see the apple logo

      If Mail crashes

      courtesy of http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/member.php?u=5655 A method to resolve crash in windows (By mepman) If your apps crash then login to putty(http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/.../x86/putty.exe) with username: root & password: alpine and type the following. /bin/csh /bin/chmod -Rf a+x /Applications/* type exit to quit restart the iPod BEFORE you test your applications

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